It seems that the link between sports and sex is strengthening, and I give this phenomenon my Lexi seal of approval!
After a seriously boring soccer game ending in a 0-0 draw (in my opinion in sports there should be a winner and a loser of the game, no TIES), this Danish couple decided to provide some action of their own. Pretty sure they were pissed that the game they paid to watch was so boring, that they decided to make the most of their experience by using the center field as a stage for their sex antics, much to the amusement of eyewitnesses and security personnel. Once caught, they were asked to get dressed and leave the stadium.
Personally I would have given them a standing ovation.
The photo of the couple, still unidentified, has gained lots of popularity around the Internet, but it’s not nearly as scandalous as the my favorite “Caught!” story of the summer, of the video footage of the man whose girlfriend was giving him a blow job on camera DURING a volleyball game in South America. Click here to see the tawdry story on my blog.
Caught some people having sex? Share it with me by commenting below, on Twitter or Facebook!
Article Sources/References
Randy Couple Caught Having Sex On Danish Soccer Pitch After 0-0 Draw via