Welcome back to my playground, my Lexual friends!
Let’s face it, jealousy happens- but people like Kitty give us the tools to cope better. I first met Kitty Chambliss, the founder of Loving Without Boundaries (which is an amazing podcast as well as a fantastic Facebook group that I’ve really been enjoying being a part of), at Southwest Love Fest in Tucson, Arizona.
Jealousy is a NORMAL feeling! We can all be prone to jealousy under certain circumstances and at different points in your life, and with different partners (if that’s the case with you). No matter what kind of relationship you’re in, jealousy can rear its ugly head and cause you to feel uncomfortable, angry, sad, and insecure. This can be especially true of non-monogamous relationships, and learning how to navigate multiple partners.
Whether you’re like me and don’t really experience jealousy but want to learn more ways to be empathetic towards your partner(s), or you DO experience jealousy and want to learn strategies on how to cope with those feelings, give today’s podcast a listen!

“Tune in tonight for the greatest insight on how to navigate jealousy within and throughout your relationships!
We will cover healthy coping strategies, identifying your triggers, working through your jealousy and worries, plus so much more. A normal human emotion, it’s normal for us to feel jealousy at some point- and you are not alone!”
If you missed tonight’s episode, or want to catch up on my podcast, you can listen to episodes on demand on my Voice America channel and via: iHeartRadio
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