That’s right, you read the title correctly!
After 39 years of living without a penis, a British man named Andrew Wardle will be finally able to experience the act of sex, thanks to the miracle of SCIENCE! Wardle was born with a rare condition plaguing only 1 in 30 million men, in which being born with an ectopic bladder (outside his body) and a fold of skin no bigger than an inch long in place of a penis (and he was only able to urinate through a tube). His testicles are fully functioning.
To fabricate his new member, surgeons will take a large graft from his forearm, skin, blood vessels and nerves included, then roll it up into a tube shape and graft it onto him. Almost sounds like an art experiment, except hopefully the end result won’t resemble a papier-mâché volcano gone awry.
Despite his lack of phallus, Wardle has still managed to have “sexual relations” with over 100 women, according to HuffPost UK. He said: “”Most of the time they didn’t seem too bothered – they liked the fact I could pleasure them in other ways and never expected anything in return,” Wardle said. “Only once has telling a woman I don’t have a penis turned out badly. She got angry and punched me in the face.”
If his surgery is successful, Wardle will likely be picking up more than his fair share of lucky partners. As a man without a penis, he’s obviously had to turn to charm and charisma to woo people (extra points for personality!). Plus, he already has experience (though unverified!) and willingness in the oral department. And he would come out of surgery as a virgin, ripe for being trained in the art of pleasure. I’m sure there are lots of potential lovers out there who would be interested in helping him hone his skills. Whether he’s looking for an immediate commitment or not, who knows. I just know that if I spent 39 years without a penis, I would probably try to have sex with anything that moved.
Good luck, Andy! We’re rooting for you.
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