Let’s have a drink together, my Lexual friends!
With the successful launch of Mating Season, I am so excited to host an exclusive event and connect with you all!
Let’s share in our mutual love for erotica and cocktails!
Join me this Saturday, May 23 for Cocktails and Erotic Tales to toast, and watch me do live readings from some of the stories in my book!
We’ll also have time for questions (any question you want!), so you can write in to me throughout the night and I’ll answer as many as possible during the Q & A session at the end!
And of course, I’ll be offering exclusive giveaways for some of my lucky Lexual guests.
Dress code is completely optional, of course. As in, come naked if you want! I’ll be the only one on camera, and no, I won’t be naked, but I WILL be wearing something Lexual…

Entry tickets are $10.00, or, FREE if you’ve purchased a copy of Mating Season!
To get free entry to this event, please send a screenshot or proof of purchase to lexi@lexisylver.com.
Get your copy of Mating Season so we can enjoy the experience together at Cocktails and Erotic Tales this Saturday!