Welcome back to my playground, my Lexual fiends and friends.

I’m a finalist for the ASN Lifestyle Mag’s Awards for Best Lifestyle & Adult Industry Erotic Writer, Best ASN Lifestyle Magazine Cover (2018 – 2020), and Best Lifestyle Adult Educator!

Voting starts today, February 5th, 2021 and closes July 31st, 2021 – so please visit ASN Lifestyle Mag’s Award Page to vote for me!
A big Lexual thank you to those who nominated me for these awards. It’s an honor to live my authentic Lexuality and be able to bring you along for the ride!

ASN LifeStyle Mag Lexi Sylver Award Nominations
ASN LifeStyle Mag Lexi Sylver Award Nominations
ASN LifeStyle Mag Lexi Sylver Award Nominations

If you haven’t already: Get your copy of my erotic short stories, Mating Season, to indulge on my award-nominated erotica!

Lexi Sylver Mating Season Erotic Short Stories