Erotic Quote by George Moore

Today’s erotic quote is from George Moore.  This is pure, delectable poetry.  #WordyWednesday Let me lie, let me die on thy snow-covered bosom, I would eat of thy flesh as a delicate fruit, I am drunk of its smell, and the scent of thy tresses Is a flame that...
Erotic Quote from Mae West

Erotic Quote from Mae West

This #WordyWednesday, enjoy a cheeky erotic quote from Mae West: “I generally avoid temptation unless I can’t resist it.” Share your favorite erotic quotes with me here below, on Facebook or Twitter. Express your Lexuality! Lexi xxx Share this:Click to share on...

Marquis de Sade Quote: Our Primitive Impulses

My views about the naturalness of our primal desires and the need to express, not repress, them, are epitomized in this quote I love by the Marquis de Sade: “We are no guiltier in following the primitive impulses that govern us than is the Nile for her floods or the...